Waterwise Plants used in Interior Enviornments

L_SansevieriaCalifornia’s drought is a concern for everyone. Outdoor gardeners have been asked to do their part for a long time, and they are helping by getting rid of their thirsty lawns and other plants that require more water, but most people keep their plants indoors; that’s where we come in!

If you want to play a bigger part in water conservation, there are many ways to save when caring for houseplants. When you design and install plantscaping at your home, office, or apartment, make smart plant choices and practice waterwise care and you can preserve this resource. We’ve been doing this for years, and there are only a few plants that need to be watered every week.

First, choose plants indoors that use less water. Obvious choices include succulents. Other excellent choices:

  • Spider Plants
  • Dracaena Marginata
  • Chinese Evergreen
  • ZZ Plant
  • Cast Iron Plant
  • Christmas Cactus
  • Sansevieria

Many people overwater their houseplants because they think they need it. They end up killing them with kindness. More houseplants die due to overwatering than any other reason, including underwatering. When plants are overwatered, the soil is so soggy no oxygen reaches the roots. The roots can’t “breathe,” they die and they rot. If you want the right plants for the right space, let the experts help. Give us a call for a consultation today and see if we can’t save you some green ( and some H2O ) in the process.  www.insideplants.net

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