9 Houseplants That Ease Stress, Purify Your Home, And Are Impossible To Kill

Houseplants are a truly delightful addition to any home. They’re a great decoration, but they also have profound impacts besides just looking good. They create a relaxed ambiance and pretty any room of your home. According to a 2008 study, researchers found that hospital patients who had plants in their rooms reported much less stress than those who didn’t. That’s why we’ve compiled for you this useful guide to the 10 easiest houseplants to grow. Enjoy!

  1. 4432258122_dfa480573b_zAloe Vera, Aloe barbadensis miller
    They stay small if you keep them in a smaller pot but get much larger if you transfer them to a larger one. They’re succulents, so they don’t mind a little bit of neglect. Not just that, but they also have some medicinal properties. They’re good for detoxing the body when you add a bit to a smoothie or a juice, can be used to soothe the pain from cuts and burns on your body, and they’re also good for cleaning the air of pollutants. If your air quality is too poor, the plant will begin to show brown spots. Aloe vera enjoys warm, sunny conditions.
  2. 12606763924_01d34b106c_zRubber Tree, Elastica
    Rubber trees are fast growing and easy to please. They thrive in dim, cool environments, making them one of the best houseplants for homes that don’t necessarily get a lot of direct sunlight. It’s a powerful air purifier that will leave your home a more relaxed, clean environment.
  3. 6782746608_Peace_zPeace lily, Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum
    The peace lily is a wonderful, easy to grow and impossible to kill houseplant that periodically sends up the gorgeous white flowers you see above. Like the aloe, it can get huge if you plant it in a larger pot, or will stay small in a smaller pot. They enjoy shade and cooler temperatures and help reduce the presence of various household toxins.
  4. 5620176368_snake_zSnake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata
    The snake plant is another easy to grow and hard to kill houseplant. They require little water or light to survive. They’re a great choice for a corner of your home that you often forget about. They’re a little bit different from most of your house plants. During the day, the plants absorb carbon dioxide, and at night, they exhale oxygen. This makes them a good choice for bedrooms too, as that oxygen released at night will help you sleep easier and wake up refreshed.
  5. 16404871208_cham_zBamboo palm, Chamaedorea
    The bamboo palm also made NASA’s list of best air-purifying plants. It’s especially good at cleansing the air of benzene and trichloroethylene, but require a little more maintenance than the others listed here. They enjoy lots of water and need shade or indirect sunlight. This makes them a great candidate for the kitchen.
  6. philodendronPhilodendron, Philodendron bipinnatifidum
    Philodendron comes in tons of different varieties. Some have long, finger-like leaves. Others have holes in them. Some are rounded and some are even heart shaped. They’re a popular plant for the home. They’re easy to grow and care for. Like the English ivy, it’s great at absorbing formaldehyde and can last for decades if you take care of them well. They like moderate water and some sunlight, but not direct sun.
  7. spiderplantSpider plant, Chlorophytum comosum
    Their longevity isn’t just what makes them immortal. A mature spider plant will begin sending off chutes with baby spider plants on them. You can snip them, plant them in soil, and the next thing you know, you have a few dozen of them growing. This is what makes them one of the most common plants. Not only are they easy to grow, they’re effective at absorbing benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. They enjoy shadier conditions and moderate amounts of water.
  8. 8168423124_draceana_zDracaena, Dracaena braunii
    It’s not uncommon for a dracaena to grow to ceiling height, up to 15 feet tall, but they can be stunted by staying in a smaller pot. These beautiful plants are known for removing xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. They do like lots of sunlight and moderate water, however.
  9. 7358705348_pothos_zGolden pothos, Epipremnum aureum
    Last but certainly not least is the nearly mythic indestructible golden pothos. It made NASA’s list for its ability to easily clear formaldehyde from our air and the things are seriously difficult to kill. They’re a vine, so they make great hanging baskets. They’ll grow and grow and grow until they’ve reached the floor. They like cool temperatures, low levels of light, and while they do enjoy plenty of water, they can take some serious neglect.  www.insideplants.net

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